As it stands today, the department store that once occupied 122 North Street in Pittsfield is still recognizable. New life breathes in this downtown location of the Wolfson Center, headquarters of Barrington Stage Company. The facade received structural repair and stucco restoration on the exterior with a new plan layout for the interior.

Restoration & Construction
Control Services

01 Facade – Repair & Restore

The centerpiece of the facade framing was sagging. Measured drawings were created, reframed with structural repair of the main cornice, repaired cracked brick and repointing. After this was closed up the work was finished with stucco to maintain the original integrity of the building.

02 Plan Layouts –Architectural Services

Barrington Stage is full of talent with a great network of artisans, who are good at logistics. By interpreting their vision, Blueline provided architectural services to create new plan layouts as a plan to move forward with permits to build out the Barrington Stage headquarters from the existing retail space. This site has the administrative office, box offices, 3 rehearsal spaces, the costume shop and prop storage, all in this downtown location


Project Details

Designed by: Blueline Design

Cost: $285,000

Style: Contemporary

Location: Great Barrington, MA

Based on the client’s vision of how the building could be reused and reimagined, Blueline Design reviewed the designs for code compliance, prepared architectural documentation for a building permit application, and preformed as Architect of Record through to the completion of Interior Renovations and Façade Restoration.